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Friday, May 2, 2014

Fexting--The Modern Art of Texting about Food

Fexting—The Modern Art of Texting about Food
(and a ‘text-ipe’ from my mom)
by Renee Gough

“This morning I woke up thinking about the beet, the lovely beet,” my morning text reads from my mom. 

My mom, Nita Tribo, nobody 'beets' her!

Food texts in our family are sometimes glorious works of art; modern day poetry I would even say.  Forget sexting, my family and friends are big on ‘fexting’, the glorious shared appreciation of the flavors of the day.

“Everybody throws out the beautiful green stalks of the beet, instead of rinsing and cooking with garlic in a pan,” she adds.

Ah, my mom, the champion of the underdog! Her wise words are a reminder she may have learned from her Polish or Italian ancestors-- that every bit of this beautiful bounty we are given is worthy.

Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case, the stalk doesn't grow far from the bulb. 

My mom and I are like birds flying in tandem, our kitchens 30 miles apart, but our nests filled with similar treats we have plucked and brought back to nourish our families.

(Mom and I were both recently excited when a bird built a nest on my front step.)

I am so grateful that my mom, aged 75, has mastered the technology of her IPhone, because these fexts of hers add serious flavor to my life.  I read on, my empty tummy rumbling.  She then fexted me an alternative way to cook my beet bulbs after I rescue and relish the green stalks.

“Save the beet itself for a different day.  Then boil, peel, slice and make with a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper, and white balsamic vinegar.  Mmmmmm.”  (Mom’s fext is sealed with her signature emoji—the smiley face with two hearts instead of eyeballs.)

Some people admonish serial fexters like us.  But we can’t seem to stop ourselves from sharing wherever technology takes us.  My family and friends have been known to post dinner photos to Facebook and tweet breakfast bowls to the world.  One of us has even decided to build a career out of sharing food, beautiful food!

You will never please all of the people, all of the time.  So I say, if “fexting” makes you happy, do it.  There are certainly other things you could text about.  But this morning, to stir my appetite, nothing ‘beet’ this delicious “text-ipe” from my mom.  

My Mom's Recipe Crusade: 
Nita Tribo's Save the Stalks!

Buy a lovely bunch of beetroot with the long, glorious stalks.  Look for stalks with purple veins bursting with life throughout the gorgeous, deep green leaves. This is an item at Wholefoods that won't cost the whole paycheck! Lots of other places sell them with the luxurious stalks still intact.  Farmer's markets will be here soon!

Rinse the beets and trim the stalks, reserving the beet bulbs for another time.

Cut your stalks in whatever way makes you happy.  Small, medium or large pieces are all OK.  

Sautee 2 (+/-) cloves of garlic in a pan coated with olive oil.  Add chopped stalks and saute until soft and fragrant, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, and devour, knowing you have contributed to my mom's "Save the Stalks" crusade. 

I think she deserves to be awared a " Purple Art"  for this recipe, don't you?

Mom and I enjoying the great city of Chicago

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