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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Movies That Make Me Go Mmmmmmm

Movies That Make Me Go Mmmmmmm

What's your favorite film food feast?

A wiseguy in jail still knows how to cook a mean marinara.  Is that a basil plant to Paulie's right?

Impulsive? Me? Well, we are talking about a woman who moved to London with a man she knew for two months. 

My impulsive nature did more than just land me a husband and three British kids. It also causes me to cook constantly, impulsively, and it takes little more than watching Paulie in Goodfellas slicing garlic with a razor blade "so thin it liquefies in the pan" to cause me to leap off the sofa and whip up a batch of marinara.
Here are a few of my other favorite big screen slurp shots that really get my creative juices flowing.

  • Moonstruck: I love the scene where Cher's mom is cooking "eggs in the hole", carefully cracking an egg into the hole of a slice of Italian bread that is sizzling in a cast iron skillet.  Every time I see that movie, I've gotta make that dish! 

  • Something's Gotta Give (by Nancy Meyers): The food market scene and the dinner table are glorious.  But the food that gets me cooking is the scrambled eggs the two lovers eat out of the big stainless steel pan at the counter with two forks. Oh!  I'm a cheap date.  Two forks, an egg and candles please. I also absolutely MUST go to Le Grand Colbert in Paris for "the best roast chicken on earth". 
Le Grand Colbert...Renata's Kitchen Field Trip Anyone?

Kitchen from It's Complicated where the two lovers share scrambled eggs by candlelight from a pan

  • It's Complicated (Also by Nancy Meyers): OK, there are so many food shots in this movie it is hard to choose.  It's not the Croque Monseur, the chocolate cake, the roast chicken, the three pies (apple, blueberry or plum!), or even the lavender honey ice cream Meryl Streep eats in the bathtub.  The dish I most salivate over is this potato/green bean/walnut pesto dish that she and the kids eat at the kitchen table when her guilty ex-husband sadly hits the road with no supper.  That's a cautionary tale, folks.  Don't tick off the greatest chef on earth! 
"The Bakery" that Meryl Streep's character owns.  Don't worry, she's still like us,and has to hold up her eyebrow when she's watching tv cuz it droops so much. 

  • Goodfellas: When Paul Sorvino uses a razor blade to slice garlic so thin it "liquefies in the pan" I start rummaging through the drawers of  the house for loose razors, only to find one or two old pink Lady Bick shavers. These don't make great sauce. Besides, I'm a fan of leaving the garlic clove only densely smashed and sorta left whole.  It makes for a sweeter sauce.  But I really have always wondered if the garlic really DOES liquefy in the pan.  

So what's your favorite film feast?  Email me at renataskitchen@gmail.com or post to my Facebook page Renata's Kitchen!
 In the meantime, enjoy dinner and a movie tonight.  There is no better combination to soothe the weary senses!

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