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Friday, September 19, 2014

Want to Pick Your Own Fruits and Vegetables? All You Need is a Little Inspiration!

      Want to Pick Your Own Fruits and Vegetables?
All You Need is a Little Inspiration!

Interview with Interior Designer Lisa Riva

Click here for Houzz review of Lisa Riva Art + Interiors

Finding a sunny vegetable patch to pick your own harvest is just a Google search away. Here are a couple of links to get you started! I hope my interview with Interior Designer Lisa Riva inspires you to reap the rewards of picking your own fruit and vegetables, wherever you live. 

Renata: Tell me about this beautiful harvest!
Lisa Riva: When my friend asked me if I could join her in harvesting her friends organic farm, I immediately got my old gym shoes on and drove over there as fast as I could.  It was exactly what my soul needed that day. 

Renata: What did you love about picking these beautiful vegetables?

Lisa Riva: Spending time with a friend, digging in the dirt, admiring the beauty of nature, it inspires me.

Renata: It sounds like it meant a lot to do this with a friend.

Lisa Riva: Definitely. My friends name is Lisa Zorilla.   She’s 100% Italian and her husband is 100% Columbian. Her father-in-law is adorable! The whole family helps tend the organic garden. My friend Lisa loooooves to cook, loooooves to eat.  Its her passion, along with country music, and her family of course.  The organic farm belongs to their friend. 

Lisa's father-in-law, Oscar, can't be 'beet'!

Renata: This is old school, everyone is family farming!

Lisa Riva: We brought buckets, turned them upside down and sat on them in the dirt. We were talking and picking, talking and picking.  We talked about things we could cook, talked about life, and just solving the world’s problems! 

Renata: Sounds like the two of you really bonded.

Lisa Riva:  We both like to get dirty and get rewarded by not only what you get to eat from gardening, but also the way you feel when the sun shines on you and you are spending time in nature.

Get the dirt under your nails. 

Renata: That sounds so beautiful! And inspirational too?

Lisa Riva: Yes! The little creatures would come upon us like caterpillars, butterflies, inchworms, bees, spiders eating the aphids; my friend Lisa took photos of a few of them. 

Renata: And did you cook with your veggies?

Lisa Riva: I made gazpacho with these lovely sweet plum colored tiny tomatoes as soon as I got home! I was so excited.  I got the recipe out of a cookbook called "Picnic" I have had for years. But I have to admit, I didnt even measure.  I just threw what I had in.   I had enough gazpacho to last me three days!

Renata: Mmmmm.  That is seriously addicting, fresh, homemade food.

Lisa Riva: Yes, and every time I ate it, it reminded me of that day with my friend. So it was good for my body and soul.

Renata: Do you think any of the colors that you picked that day inspired you in your artwork or in your interior design?

Lisa Zorilla (L) and Lisa Riva (R)

Lisa Riva: Yes, definitely!! I LOVE red and green! My kids know that most of what I cook has red and green in it.  I’m very drawn to homes that have the contrasting colors of nature in them.  Since she was little, my daughter always asked me what my favorite color was. I could never say just one.  I always had to say the complementary color that goes with it. So if I pick a color, I have to pick a pair of colors.  Its as if one color needs another color to be complete. Just like people!

Renata: Just like you and your friend, picking vegetables on your buckets in the dirt!

Lisa Riva: Yes!

Renata: How do you think the time with your friend, the harvesting, the cooking inspired you as an artist?

Lisa Riva: What comes to mind is that I get inspired by the beauty of nature and the freshness of new seasons.  The colors and the aromas inspire me, and sometimes it brings back memories. Sometimes it’s about creating something completely new.

I love the photo of the dog next to the cauliflower patch.  I like the way the sun is shining on the dog and the leaves, and the blossom of the cauliflower head reminds me of my mantra: blossom. Its about growing and learning and being the best I can be in life.  

Dog and Blossom

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